Tonnes of CO2eq Compensated
Project Type
Regenerative Agriculture
Atlantic Forest
Poços de Caldas
Terrus Carbon Coffee is an innovative regenerative agriculture project in Brazil, audited under the Carbon Fair Standard, which uses an innovative technology developed by Quanticum for soil management. This pioneering national technology allows for an increase in the amount of carbon captured and stored in the soil, as well as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural practices. Through the project, more than 20,000 tons of carbon have already been captured from the atmosphere, and over 200 people have benefited.
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Terrus Carbon Coffee is an innovative regenerative agriculture project in Brazil, audited under the Carbon Fair Standard, which uses innovative soil management technology developed by Quanticum. This national and pioneering technology allows for an increase in the amount of carbon captured and stored in the soil, as well as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural practices. With the project, more than 20 thousand tons of carbon have already been captured from the atmosphere, benefiting over 200 people.
The soil is the largest carbon reservoir in nature. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), soil stores approximately four times more carbon than plant biomass and three times more than the atmosphere, thus playing a significant role in the carbon cycle, greenhouse gas mitigation, and climate change.
For proper soil management, it is necessary to know its physical and chemical characteristics, usually requiring a series of samples and tests, sometimes relying on the producer's subjective evaluation.
The Terrus Carbon Coffee project brings new technology to coffee cultivation. A new system for studying and preparing the soil for coffee planting, with greater precision in soil identification, a reduction in the number of samples required for testing, and the ability to map locations with greater potential for carbon sequestration.
More specifically, this technology involves the identification and mapping of naturally occurring minerals in soils through magnetic susceptibility techniques. After diagnosing the soil's natural potential for carbon storage using a specific sensor adapted for Brazilian soils and biomes, the recommendation and most suitable best practices for the agricultural cycle are adjusted, increasing carbon permanence in the soil. All maps, recommendations, and balances can be accessed directly from the cell phone, facilitating implementation by the producer.
What are the project SDGs
The project Terrus Carbon Coffee includes 4 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are:
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. This goal aims to ensure that all people have access to adequate, nutritious, and sufficient food, eradicate hunger in all its forms, and ensure sustainable agricultural systems that can feed the current and future population in an equitable and environmentally responsible manner. This involves promoting sustainable agricultural practices, strengthening the resilience of food systems, and ensuring equitable access to natural resources and agricultural technologies.
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. This goal aims to improve the quality of life in urban areas by promoting sustainable urban development and ensuring equitable access to basic services such as adequate housing, public transportation, sanitation, energy, and infrastructure. It also seeks to make cities safer, resilient to natural disasters, and environmentally sustainable by protecting cultural and natural heritage and promoting inclusive economic development. SDG 11 recognizes the crucial role of cities in achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals and promoting a more just and sustainable future for all.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This goal aims to address the challenges posed by climate change, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to adverse impacts already occurring, and promoting climate resilience. Achieving this goal requires actions at various levels, from local to international, aiming at mitigating emissions, developing adaptation strategies, implementing environmental policies, and mobilizing resources to finance measures to combat climate change. SDG 13 recognizes the urgency of acting to avoid the worst effects of climate change and to protect the environment for future generations.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. This goal aims to strengthen collaboration between countries and across the public, private, and civil society sectors to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It seeks to promote inclusive and multi-stakeholder partnerships, mobilize financial, technological, and human resources, and strengthen international cooperation to support developing countries in implementing the SDGs. SDG 17 also emphasizes the importance of technology transfer, capacity building, and the establishment of monitoring and reporting systems to track progress towards the SDGs. It recognizes that achieving the SDGs requires coordinated and collaborative action at the global, regional, national, and local levels.