In 2008, with the support of the Ministry of Science & Technology, USP, and several companies, Eccaplan developed action and education programs against climate change, CO2 Neutral Programs, Neutral Event, and more recently Neutral Freight. These programs consist of evaluating, quantifying, and offsetting the environmental impact of companies, products, services, events, and companies' logistics and e-commerce. Seals can be applied to communication materials, contracts, websites, social media, and presentations, as long as they are associated with carbon offsetting.

Main carbon neutral seals

CO2 Neutral

Companies, products, services, and projects

Neutral Event

Events, corporate events, shows, fairs, parties, and conferences

Neutral Freight

Companies' logistics, delivery, and e-commerce deliveries

Neutral Passage

Bus, plane, train, etc. tickets


Evaluate CO2 emission reduction actions and other environmental impacts


Collect data on CO2 emissions, according to the GHG Protocol methodology


Calculate CO2 emissions. The calculation can be done by the company itself or by a specialized company, such as Eccaplan


Select projects and buy carbon credits, in the same proportion as the environmental impact to be offset. 1 carbon credit is equivalent to offsetting 1,000 kg of CO2. Carbon credits can be purchased on the Carbon Fair platform or directly from Eccaplan


Send the data for Eccaplan verification


Eccaplan issues: the Seal, Certificate, Simplified CO2 Emissions Report per item, and publication of the action taken on the Carbon Fair platform, Clients area, and Registry.

The Certification cost is associated with the time to calculate CO2 emissions and purchase carbon credits.

Request carbon neutral seal

Calculate your CO2 emissions

Icone de calculadora de CO2


Neutral Freight

Icone de calculadora de CO2

Neutral Passage

Icone de calculadora de CO2

Neutral Passage

Icone de calculadora de CO2