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The projects that will change your company!

Do your part in offsetting your company's carbon emissions and contribute to reducing climate change.

Tons of CO2 offset


Companies and events neutralized


Supported environmental projects


Get to know the CarbonFair platform

See how you can meet your ESG commitments and help enable certified socio-environmental projects. Carbon Fair is the first Brazilian platform for trading and managing voluntary carbon credits in Brazil.

Vertical Carbon Solution

Full-service model in carbon credit management. From carbon credit generation to cost reduction in buying carbon credits, emissions management, and use of integrated CO2 emission calculation tools.


Neutralize CO2 Emissions

Negotiate, purchase, and register carbon credits. Greater diversity and traceability of certified projects.

Register Environmental Project

Projects that reduce CO2 emissions and environmental and social impacts can participate.

CO2 Emissions and Credits Management

Emission calculation and management tool. Carbon neutralizations stock and registry.

Calculators and Integration Tools

APIs and online calculators to optimize offsets and engage stakeholders.

Support Your Supply Chain

Let's develop together projects to reduce and/or capture carbon in your Supply Chain or other sectors.

Carbon Neutral Seal

Certify carbon neutrality action and obtain the Seal and Certificate.

Supported Social & Environmental Projects

Meet and support certified social projects.

Validity and Reliability, meet our partners

The Carbon Fair platform is supported by various scientists, researchers, environmentalists, government, companies, entrepreneurs, and individuals who seek to act against climate change and promote socio-environmental actions. Come be a partner!


Support in conducting research partnerships, methodology, and carbon credit verification


Platform created by researchers and companies that have gone through the University


Support in defining methodology and project certification


Support in defining methodology and project certification


Consulting firm operating since 2008 supporting companies and carbon credit projects


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at USP. Support in conducting research partnerships

Frequently Asked Questionss

A carbon credit, also known as Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), is considered a certificate that proves the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from a project. By international convention, each carbon credit generated corresponds to one ton of carbon that has not been emitted into the atmosphere.

Environmental projects that reduce or avoid their emissions are the generators of carbon credits, that is, those that receive certification. On the other hand, those considered polluters can buy these credits, in the same proportion, to offset their environmental impact. During this commercialization, the carbon credit functions as 'money or action' to incentivize environmental projects, which often depend on this financial support to maintain their activities and actions for sustainable development over the years.nnThere are several projects that can generate carbon credits through sustainable practices. Some of these examples are:nnReplacing non-renewable fuel with renewable biomass in factoriesnImplementing clean technologies, such as wind farms and solar panelsnForest preservation of large areasnnThe amount of carbon avoided from these activities is quantified and accumulated in the form of credit for the project in question. All these projects undergo monitoring and verifications to prove the veracity of the actions, and only then are the CERs issued.
Payment for environmental services (PES) was the way found to 'price' environmental practices and encourage conservation through remunerations for those who protect the environment. This scenario corresponds to the principle of the polluter-pays and protector-receiver, that is, those who are negatively impacting the environment must 'pay' for those who, voluntarily, conserve or adopt more sustainable measures and practices. The carbon credit market has become the main PES project used by countries.nnThe 1997 Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Paris Agreement were international agreements that established international CO2 emission targets. With the latter ratified by all but six countries, they gave rise to national emission targets and the regulations to support them.nnWith these new regulations in place, pressure on companies to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint is growing.

Carbon credits are issued by national or international governmental organizations. We have already mentioned the Kyoto and Paris agreements that created the first international carbon markets.

When it comes to selling carbon credits in the carbon market, there are two distinct and significant markets to choose from.

  • One is a regulated market, established by 'cap-and-trade' regulations at the regional and state levels.
  • The other is a voluntary market where companies and individuals buy credits (on their own) to offset their carbon emissions.

Think of it this way: the regulatory market is mandatory, while the voluntary market is optional.

When it comes to the regulatory market, each company operating under a 'cap-and-trade' program receives a certain number of carbon credits each year. Some of these companies produce fewer emissions than the number of credits assigned to them, giving them a surplus of carbon credits.

The number of credits issued each year is typically based on emission targets. Credits are often issued under what is known as a 'cap-and-trade' program. Regulators set a limit for carbon emissions – the cap. This limit decreases slowly over time, making it increasingly difficult for companies to stay within that limit.

You can think of carbon credits as a 'permit' to emit up to a certain amount of CO2 in that year.

All projects registered on the Carbon Fair platform follow the Verra - VCS and CFS - Carbon Fair Standard standards, are certified and verified by nationally and internationally recognized companies and research institutes. See more in About Us.nnIn addition, we also work with projects that are verifiable or already verified by the following carbon market standards: American Carbon Registry (ACR), Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB), Gold Standard (GS), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Social Carbon (SC), and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).nnWhat types of projects do we support?nnEnergy: Renewable Biomass, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Small Hydropower, Methane for Energy, Energy Efficiency, Efficient Stoves, and Fuel Switching.nnAgriculture, Forest, and Land Use: Regenerative Agriculture and Agroforestry, Forest Restoration with Native Species, REDD+ and Other AFOLU (Agriculture, Forests and other land use) projects.nnWaste: Recycling and/or reuse, Composting, Biodigesters, Water purifiers, and Other waste management projects.

Carbon dioxide (CO2), also known as carbonic gas, is a gaseous chemical compound that causes serious imbalances in the Earth's greenhouse effect. It has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms in its chemical composition. Under normal conditions, this gas has no smell or taste, making it difficult to detect.nnEssential for life on the planet, carbon is found in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). It can be produced from the oxidation of carbon monoxide. On the other hand, several organisms release this gas through the process of respiration, including plants and trees.
CO2 emission factors are calculated according to the methodology tool approved by the CDM Executive Board and aim to estimate the contribution, in terms of CO2 emission reduction, of a CDM project that generates electricity for the grid.nnThe tool to calculate the emission factor for the electrical system is constantly updated.nnIn summary, the emission factor of the interconnected system for CDM purposes is a combination of the emission factor of the operating margin, which reflects the intensity of the CO2 emissions from the dispatched energy at the margin, with the emission factor of the construction margin, which reflects the intensity of the CO2 emissions from the latest built plants.nnIt is a widely used algorithm to quantify the future contribution of a plant that will generate electricity for the grid in terms of CO2 emission reduction compared to a baseline scenario. This factor serves to quantify the emission being displaced at the margin. Its utility is associated with CDM projects and applies exclusively to estimate certified emission reductions (CERs) of CDM projects.nnMinistry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (

The Carbon Fair platform is formed by a multi-stakeholder group that helps ensure that the supported projects provide the proposed benefits and that the Carbon Fair Standard (CFS), the first Brazilian certification standard, certifies projects with nature-based solutions, use of research and technology (hard science), additionality, and with measurable, transparent, traceable, and replicable processes.nnIn addition, the platform also enables carbon emission management for companies and uses blockchain technology.nnIn this way, we want to enable as many environmental and social projects as possible, and help companies and individuals achieve their sustainable objectives.