Carbon Fair Trade's main objective is to encourage projects with Nature Based Solutions, which have measurable social and environmental benefits.nnAll projects registered with Carbon Fair Trade, which have voluntary carbon credits, must follow the Carbon Fair Standard (CFS) requirements and undergo certified processes verified by nationally and internationally recognized companies and research institutes. Learn more at About Us.
Registered projects must have:
- Effective reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and additionality, compared to local requirements and market practices
- Significant, measurable social and environmental impacts with replication potential
- Proven 2 emission reduction process and technology with methodology recognized by recognized research institutes or international carbon credit platforms
- Positive economic impact on the surroundings and need for financial resources from the sale of carbon credits to be viable
- Benefits aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Contract and commitment to market and make carbon credits and emission reductions available only on Carbon Fair Trade (CFT). The environmental project may withdraw its available carbon credits from CFT, but with prior notice and restricted to available credits. Credits already sold and/or offset cannot be used anymore. Request more information about policies to avoid double counting of issued credits.

What types of projects do we support?
Agriculture, Forest, and Land Use:
- Agriculture and agroforestry: introduction of lower emission practices in agricultural or forestry systems, such as Regenerative Agriculture, Agroforestry Systems.
- Native species forest restoration: reforestation of areas that were originally forests but were being used differently. Monoculture or homogeneous forest projects are not eligible.
- REDD+: Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation projects, as well as conservation, sustainable forest management, and increasing carbon stocks in forests.
- Other AFOLU projects: Agriculture, Forest, and Land Use projects that develop activities to reduce or remove GHGs
- Renewable biomass: use of renewable biomass for thermal and/or electrical energy generation replacing non-renewable energy sources.
- Wind energy
- Solar energy
- Small Hydropower Plant
- Methane for energy
- Energy Efficiency
- Efficient stoves: efficient domestic stoves and/or those using renewable energy sources
- Fuel switching: replacing high GHG emitting non-renewable fuels with lower GHG emitting renewable and/or non-renewable energy sources
- Recycling and/or reuse
- Composting
- Organic effluent treatment
- Biodigesters
- Water purifiers
Submission and approval stages of projects:
Stage 1: Preliminary eligibility assessment
- Projects must meet the detailed requirements above: additionality in GHG reduction or capture, social benefits, environmental benefits, calculation and verification methodology, need for financial support, and replicability.
- Submit documents proving these requirements and alignment with the SDGs.
- Brief project presentation, results, and development phase.
- Technology or process used.
- Size of the area allocated to the project or CO2 reduction/capture potential.
- Submission of certifications, if any.

Stage 2: Evaluation and certification
- Selection of specialized consultancy to perform a detailed evaluation of validation documents and methodologies.
- Cost analysis for technical and financial feasibility study for obtaining and commercializing carbon credits (costs for adaptation, certification, and verification VS potential revenue from carbon credit sales).
- Cost analysis for technical and financial feasibility study for obtaining and commercializing carbon credits (costs for adaptation, certification, and verification VS potential revenue from carbon credit sales).
- Results survey and issuance of Certification.
- Project registration on the Carbon Fair Trade platform, with project status under review.

Stage 3: Verification
- Selection of a research institute or specialized Verification company for the applied technology.
- Analysis of all project documents, methodology, and reports issued by the certifier.
- Issuance of Verification Certificate.

Stage 4: Commercialization
- Disposition of certified voluntary carbon credits on the Carbon Fair Trade platform.
- Carbon credits made available in the accounts indicated by the project owners.