Tonnes of CO2eq Compensated
Project Type
Renewable Biomass
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The Cerrado is considered the second largest biome in South America and the second largest biome in Brazil. It is known as the Brazilian savanna and has great biodiversity. Its vegetation has predominant characteristics, such as trees with thick and twisted trunks, as well as grasses and shrubs.
Learn about the Reunidas Project
Reunidas is a family-owned company that manufactures various types of ceramic products in the state of Tocantins. To produce 5 million pieces per year, the Ceramics factory used to extract 12,000 m³/year of firewood from the Cerrado biome to be burned as fuel in its kilns. With the aim of reducing environmental impact and modernizing technology, in 2007, the factory implemented a carbon credit project. With the project, the Ceramics factory stopped extracting firewood from the Cerrado and began supplying the kilns only with renewable biomass, such as rice husks. The project, in addition to providing greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, enables investment in improvements in working conditions and generates benefits for the community, through the extra income from the sale of carbon credits.
The Benefits of this Project:
Social Benefits
What are the project SDGs
The project Reunidas Project includes 4 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This goal aims to ensure that all people have access to quality health services, promote disease prevention and treatment, and reduce infant and maternal mortality rates. Additionally, it seeks to promote mental and emotional well-being, ensure universal health coverage, and strengthen health systems to address emerging challenges such as non-communicable diseases and pandemics.

Ensure reliable, sustainable, modern, and affordable access to energy for all. This goal aims to ensure that all people have access to reliable, sustainable, and modern energy sources to meet their basic needs such as lighting, heating, transportation, and productive use. This includes promoting access to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, and ensuring that the energy transition is made inclusively and equitably, taking into account the needs of the most vulnerable communities. Additionally, it seeks to improve energy efficiency and expand access to energy services in rural and remote areas.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. This goal aims to ensure that economic growth is sustainable and inclusive, creating decent jobs and work opportunities for all people. It seeks to achieve full and productive employment and decent work, as well as promote equal opportunities in the labor market, reduce informality, and combat all forms of child labor and forced labor. SDG 8 also encourages the development of policies that support entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth in sustainable sectors.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This goal aims to address the challenges posed by climate change, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to adverse impacts already occurring, and promoting climate resilience. Achieving this goal requires actions at various levels, from local to international, aiming at mitigating emissions, developing adaptation strategies, implementing environmental policies, and mobilizing resources to finance measures to combat climate change. SDG 13 recognizes the urgency of acting to avoid the worst effects of climate change and to protect the environment for future generations.